Defend your data !

Prevent data loss, business secrets and intelectual property theft

How it works

Upload logo

Upload your file

We support docx and txt files with maximum file size of 5.0 MB.
Processing logo


  1. The document is translated to the plain text.
  2. Named entity recognizer is executed and entities detected.
  3. The masking configuration is used and entities masked.
  4. The text is converted back to the full text with all formatting.
Finished logo

Masking is finished

Your personal data are secured now and are ready to download.
Annotation Interface Screen

Why use BlackPen

The protection of personal data is becoming more important nowadays.

It can be extremely expensive if your sensitive documents will be accidentally shared. Lower this risk and use BlackPen for real-time de-identification of sensitive data.

Minimize the risk and use plain data only if you really need it.

The average cost of a data breach in the US is $8.64 million and around 12,000 intellectual property cases are filed each year. New regulations like GDPR are in place and fines can be astronomic.

In 2016, the European Union adopted the "General Data Protection Regulation" (GDPR).

This regulation seeks to unify the issue of personal data protection at European Union level and to clarify the various national regulations. Our BlackPen can help you to be compliant with these regulations.

Contact us

If you would like to contact us, send an e-mail to or give as a call on +420 725 366 085.

BlackPen is part of UMT solutions.


Est. 1998
Mature capabilities,
Sustainable delivery processes,
Innovative approach
Technical delivery staff and project managers
€ 30 mil.
At the end of 2020 company turnover totalled 30 million Euro
Located in Prague
& Telco